Thursday 11 June 2015

Foundation Portfolio- Location Photos (Ashlee Rimmer & Shayla Wijohn-Gillard)

Bedroom Cyber Scene

When writing the script and designing the story board as a team we wanted to have a scene in our characters bedroom. This is a place where teenagers can still be bullied. In this day and age social media has now become a platform were other people can anonymously send rude and very hurtful comments and letters to a person. This is a very real thing in today's society that teenagers have to live with. So we choose to show this as it has such a huge influence over young people. We wanted to portray the unfortunate fact that, in this day and age, no one is ever safe, not even in there own home.

The Wharf Scene

As a group we choose to use a wharf as the main location as we like the symbolism that is found in the water. The ocean can be very uncertain and it can go from calm to dangerous very quickly.  This is shown in our main character's, Georgia, personality: she is, at first glance, shy and timid but can switch into a very angry and strong character.  

Before choosing this location we went to many places around Auckland but we choose to use this wharf because of its symbolic view at the end- it's like the end of the world mirroring Georgia being at the end of her sanity. Furthermore the height at the end of the wharf was another aspect that we really liked as it showed our character Georgia's authority. Throughout the start of the film we see her as weak and below Jacob (her bully), but in this scene we see her being on top, she was now in control of the situation.  Also a huge factor in choosing to use Murray's Bay Wharf is safety. We wanted to have a wharf that was easy access in and out of the water from the end of the wharf. 

School Bulling Scene (Classroom & Locker room )

This is a very common place where teens can get bullied so we also choose to use this platform to show how teens can be abused, even in public. When deciding on the scenarios that we wanted to use we decided on two common situations. One where she is in a public place around a lot of people and another where it is more personal with just her and her main bully Jacob.