Saturday 25 April 2015

Prelim Task 2: The Shots for each Location

Filming - Keeghan’s House 
- Shot 2 - Flashback/Nightmare. Establishing shot of Natalie & Lover behind bush at drug bust     
             Natalie: “Ready?” , Lover:  “Ready?”. Can see security walking around behind bush
     Tech:Extreme wide, Diegetic sound ~ Alarm going off whole time while Glass braking, guns fired
              Location: Keeghan’s House 
              Equipment/ props: Guns
- Shot 3 - Flashback/Nightmare. Lover loading gun, dog tags very visible and noticeable 
              Tech: Close up, NonDiegetic sound ~ Music
              Location: Keeghan’s House 
              Equipment/ props: Gun, Dog Tags
- Shot 4 - Flashback/Nightmare . Natalie and lover jumping out and shooting people. 
              Tech: Wide shot, all most like the world is turned down but you can hear the shots fired 
              Location: Keeghan’s House 
              Equipment/ props: Guns 
- Shot 5 - Natalie screaming, as you hear a gun shot
             Tech: mid Close Up, Diegetic sound ~  all most like the world is turned down but you can     
             hear the scream  
             Location: Keeghan’s House 
              Equipment/ props: spray bottle for sweat , Guns 
- Shot 6 - Flashback/Nightmare. Lover falling to ground/ in the pool back first  
              Tech: Wide shot  
               Location: Keeghan’s House 
               Equipment/ props: spray bottle for sweat
Shot 14-  Flashback/Nightmare Same shot as Shot 3 Flash back of lover loading gun, dog tags    
                very visible and noticeable 
                Tech: Close up, NonDiegetic sound ~ Music
                Location: Keeghan’s House 
                Equipment/ props: Gun, Dog Tags
Shot 15 - Flashback/Nightmare. Dog tags on lover
               Tech: Extreme close up 
               Location: Keeghan’s House
               Equipment/ props: Dog Tags, Gun

Filming - Bedroom 
- Shot 1 - Girl in bed sweating, wriggling, distressed look on sleeping face 
              Tech: Close up, Diegetic sound ~ Hyperventilating, small screams, Semi dark lighting
              Location: Keeghan's House 
              Equipment/ Props: spray bottle for sweat 
- Shot 7- Nat jolted awake, sweating,panting, trying to catch her ringing, picks up phone 
              Tech: Mid close up, 
              Location: Keeghan's House
              Equipment/ props: spray bottle for sweat, Phone 
- Shot 8 - Phone reading: mission ????, Location, Time 
              Tech: Close up, NonDiegetic sound ~ music 
             Location: Keeghan's House 
             Equipment/ props: Phone

Filming - The Reserve   
Shot 9 - Natalie walking to location (can see box giver?)
             Tech: Over the shoulder shot
              Location: Reserve 
              Equipment/ props: Gun (back pocket)
Shot 10 - Receives box on bridge, from masked man. 
              Tech: Close up 180 rule, shot reverse shot
              Location: Reserve, Bridge 
              Equipment/ props: Box, Mask 
Shot 11 Receives box on bridge, from masked man. 
              Tech: Close up 180 rule, shot reverse shot
              Location: Reserve, Bridge 
              Equipment/ props: Box, Mask
Shot 12 - Opens box to see dog tags in there. 
              Tech: match on action
              Location: Reserve, bridge 
              Equipment/ props: Box, Dog tags 
Shot 13 - Natalie’s face in shock of whats in it, Dogs tags in hand  
                Tech: Close up 
                Location: Reserve, Bridge 
                Equipment/ props: Box, Spray bottle for sweat

Shot 16 - Real. Natalie looks, person gone, looks around, spots him,drops box, starts running
               Tech: POV of Natalie  
               Location: Reserve, Bridge  
               Equipment/ props: Box, Dog tags, Spray bottle for sweat

 Filming - Chase Sense 
Shot 17 - B.giver runs past point, Nataile runs past point 
              Tech: MCU 
               Location: Reserve
               Equipment/ props:
Shot 18 - Natalie’s feet running 
               Tech: Front angle, tracking 
               Equipment/ props:
Shot 19 - Natalie’s feet running pan up of her running  
               Tech: car to the left side but still in front pan up to MCU
               Location: Reserve
               Equipment/ props:
Shot 20 -  B.giver stop look around, trapped, Natalie comes from behind bales B.Giver on wall 
               Tech: Wide 
               Equipment/ props:
Shot 21 - Natalie rips mask off 
               Tech: MCU 
               Equipment/ props:
Shot 22 -  B.giver revealed to be Lover 
                Tech: MCU, slow zoom in to lovers face 
                Location: Reserve 

                Equipment/ props: Spray bottle 

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